Monday, April 30, 2007

D day we shopped...

Hmmm hmmm
today Ayubiand me keluar kandang..
We went shopping @ Vivo!
Lucky Ayubi really lucky...
Jus like Uncle Dada...
Haven finish shoppin tho..
still have more stuffs to get..
For me!!!
For Yubi jus a diaper bag fer his neccesities and a grobag..for his kicking antics!!hehe

Saturday, April 14, 2007

This is d yr i 4got...

...about u..
i was so caught up wif my own stuffs...
i wasnt well..i was still recovering from my op...
i even forgot dat it was my bday..mayb its time to move on...
though i still wish u were here.. wif us..wif me.. frens..and share d moments
that i go thru..
getting engaged..gettin birth.. d ups n downs in life...
i still miss ur 'menthol eh and rocher!'

and so a year ago


Hey u..
Today is our day..
Guess how much i miss u..
Guess how much i had been thinking of u
Guess how much i talked about u..
Guess what i had been doing for d past 5 yrs..
5th year n still counting
The same old routine...
Tears b4 d joy of being a yr older..
Every Apr 14th..
U remind me.. d day my mum brought me to this world..
N d day u left us all..
So sad so sad
I miss u.. i always do..
I thought abt u.. i always do..Sen can vouch for dat..
I talked abt u..
N i'm always reminded of u..
One small marlboro menthols n rocher pls...
Is enuff.. for me from u..
No complains.. remember??
Al-fateha for u..
Till we meet..

@ d end of d rainbow..smiling @ me