Friday, June 27, 2008

The Many Strollers..

My hands' itching get Ayubi.. a new stroller hahah
Papa is sure gonna yell at me..
Currently Ayubi is using Quinny Zapp.. though it folds to like an arm's length..
its heavy..
And kinda diff to carry ard if i'm out alone with him..
He has a Maclaren Volo at his Nenek's house for those short trips to the market..
And another Quinny Speedi in a box hahaha..
It was a present from his Ummie and Grandma.. nak jual sayang..
So still in a box..hmmmm
Tot of getting the Maclaren quest mod.. hmmm

Thursday, June 26, 2008

26th June 08 Thurs Mama's bday..

Mama and Papa..hmmm i so so wanna be like them..d happier parts..d giler2 parts...

Mama n her only son...

Mama and her 2 daughters.. 1 big 1 small ahhaha

Momo and Hams.. not around.. both night shift...

Papa bought her the cake..we bought her a batignolle.. kopak sak..but ok la once a yr.. hahhaha love u Mama..though u sometimes like d wind.. often angin hehehe

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The New Member..

After much deliberation..

Welcome to another gadget to add to my collection of gadgets..


hmmm i think thats the last purchase for this month...oooopps..

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Urgent Leave wif Bi

Fetched Bi last night..
Auntie said he was running a slight fever.. but boy was he still active!
Miss my Bi.. he was excited to go home..
Sat in the taxi..ooohing..and ahiiing at things...
My clever Bi..
At home.. no more fever.. but the runs... ooh.. poor Bi.. but he was cool..
Everytime he pooed.. he would just say 'Yak yak...' and would head to the toilet..tugging his diapers..
Took urgent leave care for my sick Bi.. fever back again.. vomitted once and runs again..
Was so afraid that he would get stomach flu.. but it all died down by late noon.. so wasnt worried as much..
Time spent at home wif him.. priceless..
We kinda got in a routine.. woke up.. play.. breakfast.. milk then sleep...
Wake up... shower... sleep...
He is such a pleasure to watch...
He fed himself for breakfast today.. was fun to watch him.. hahaha though it gets messy..
Its common d todds in sch...
My Bi.. growing up =)


In yer mouth..

..Plenty of water to wash down all that food...

..Let's surf the web... like Ibu

..Don forget yer sunnies when you go out!..

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Miss him..

Though.. we had 2 solid days with Ayubi..
I think it wasnt enough... i'm missing him now and am contemplating of picking him up and bringing him home.. but Momo has to send him back tomoro mornin.. n i'm afraid Momo would be too tired to do so.. =(..

I miss u Bibi..


16th June 08 Monday..
Is truly a day to remember..
Ayubi was locked in d car..alone!
As usual.. Momo is being himself..
d blur..forgetful being he always is..
No matter how blur or forgetful he is.. i still love him loads..
Sent me to work..After putting Ayubi in d carseat... He slam shut d back door and d door auto locked.. workplace and our house were nearby..Called Papa and got him to bring his set of keys down..
I was near to tears.. poor Bibi.. all alone..
Luckily he whined abit.. called fer AYah.. n tadaaa.. Papa came.. running from d pathway all to my workplace..
Momo was so angry with himself..
So i went back to work.. Momo drove Papa back and sent Ayubi to his Nenek's..
Called Auntie during lunchtime n asked how's Ayubi.. did he had nightmare while having his nap.. or was he cranky etc..
Auntie said he was fine.. played wif Aisah..Afifah and Al'ya..
Oh so d cousins were there.. great.. =)..

Well..back from Malacca.. d kampung stay was scary aha.. me being the wuss.. had to get Nabila or Atin to accompany me in d toilet during d night showers or to the car just to get stuffs.. it was eerie la ..hahah
But we enjoyed d trip..Ayubi was d king in car.. Papa n Mama allowed him to roam..climb.. jump etc in d car.. they didnt put him in his carseat.. he was literraly allowed to do watever he want..
A'famosa.. sucks.. d water ..euww dirty..but d time spent wif d half of the Yahya family was well priceless..
I remembered we went A'famosa..years back..i was single at that time.. Momo was playing d hard to get game..Yantty tagged along.. oh yeah we slept at the kampung too..

Yantty.. i miss her.. as usual.. things are always not d same after marriage.. different commitmen and priorities..Yafith..hmmm getting engage soon.. happy fer him.. though deep inside i wished for the impossible aha!

Oh well..have yet to get kain for our baju kurung.. n i wanna get a big bag for raya.. to fit Momo's..Ayubi's and my stuffs..

Hmmm pink and brown... hmmmm