Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Momo is never good with pressies...
He's always like 'U buy first then claim from me ok..'..
So i 'warned' him early this yr.. i dun wanna buy and claim.. i wan him to buy..
be it bday presents or any other presents..
So yes it was different.. we had a walk at the nearest mall aha!..
We walked into a watch shop.. i wanted to c..d emporio i missed..
He asked d price for a nautica chrono..he said he liked it.. i said it was cool.. n it started..
Momo:'u said its cool.. n i like it so i shall get it for u..'
Aries:'hmm..but i don go diving.. and its really huge..let me consider..'
Momo:'No its either now or not.. quick..'
Aries:'I like d smaller one'
Momo:'ok done. ..somethin diff this time'
Aries:'yeah by threatening =('

After much maknenek... he got me or rather he got us.. d non diver nautica.. thks eh =) for d watch n d g bag..=) love love..


Lydia Sarip said...

dapat beg seh!
gucci izzit?

aseymen birthday kau dah basi betul!
ur present will come soon from us!
u can wait rite!!

Anonymous said...

lyd bday present aku tak pe la..lambat pon tak pe
aku don mind kakakak
how u know i started bloggin here again ah?? ahahah
