Sunday, November 30, 2008

Not @yemyone anymore.. Now @endteeyou

I love weekends.. but i dread this wkend.. not d normal wknd..

After this wkend..i'm no longer travelling to yemyone for work.. instead it will be @ endteeyou..

God its hard...

Missing Ng, Nor..Chen.. n d people i'm missing most.. d children...

5 yrs.. they lit up my mornings.. wif cheery greetings, cries for mum/dad...fights, quarrels..writings..readings...

arguements..complains..vomit..watever u can link think of when i say 18mths to 6yr olds..

Parents.. though they can b shitty at times.. but d bond..built over 5 yrs is so strong.. that they cried when we said our final gdbyes...

It so surreal...5yrs passed so fast.. memories of me starting work with my best bud then is still fresh in my memory..

There's more to write.. but.. i guess i'll leave it at that...

2003 - 2008

It was good while it lasted..

Saturday, November 01, 2008

School for Yubi...

Hmmmm.. plans were .. Yubi to attend d tods class @ yem yone with me..

But sad to say.. the lease ended.. and yem yone and us ...split..

Come 1st Dec.. i'm posted to NTU.. to begin a new life..yeah d distance's far..

But..i'm willing to put all that aside coz i'm taking d same level as my buddy!!!

NTU no tods class.. Sen is anal about d sch Yubi goes to.. this cannot..that cannot..

So for now d plan is to send him to a short hr prog on wkdays and wkends..

He's quite a handful now.. poor Auntie.. penat look after him.. so..playgroup in d that Auntie can have a few hours of freedom without him around..

It sure aint easy to look a playgroup ..i'm hmmm anal abt d curriculum hahahha..

Guess searcin thru the net is not as good as being there myself..

One of these days shall take leave and walk as a mystery shopper and see how's d curriculum like..



all for this precious one...