Saturday, November 01, 2008

School for Yubi...

Hmmmm.. plans were .. Yubi to attend d tods class @ yem yone with me..

But sad to say.. the lease ended.. and yem yone and us ...split..

Come 1st Dec.. i'm posted to NTU.. to begin a new life..yeah d distance's far..

But..i'm willing to put all that aside coz i'm taking d same level as my buddy!!!

NTU no tods class.. Sen is anal about d sch Yubi goes to.. this cannot..that cannot..

So for now d plan is to send him to a short hr prog on wkdays and wkends..

He's quite a handful now.. poor Auntie.. penat look after him.. so..playgroup in d that Auntie can have a few hours of freedom without him around..

It sure aint easy to look a playgroup ..i'm hmmm anal abt d curriculum hahahha..

Guess searcin thru the net is not as good as being there myself..

One of these days shall take leave and walk as a mystery shopper and see how's d curriculum like..



all for this precious one...

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